We offer flash tutorials on basic functions of the Control Panel as well as tutorials covering basics in WS_FTP Pro, Cute FTP, and MS FrontPage 2002. To view an individual Flash tutorial, click on the links below.

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 Control Panel Tutorials

Creating a POP email account

[View flash movie]

Creating an email account in Outlook Express

[View flash movie]

Creating an autoresponder

[View flash movie]

Creating a subdomain

[View flash movie]

Creating custom error pages

[View flash movie]
Password protecting a directory [View flash movie]
Creating a MySQL database [View flash movie]
Managing a MySQL database in PHPMyAdmin [View flash movie]
Installing FrontPage extensions in cPanel [View flash movie]

CUTE FTP Tutorials

Setting your preferences in CuteFTP [View flash movie]
Configuring your site in Cute FTP [View flash movie]
Transferring files in Cute FTP  [View flash movie]

Managing your files in Cute FTP

[View flash movie]

MS FrontPage 2002 Tutorials

Publishing your web via HTTP [View flash movie]
Publishing your web in live mode via HTTP [View flash movie]
Publishing your web via FTP [View flash movie]
Deleting files off your server [View flash movie]

This is end-user,  control panel manual and documentation. Feel free read this documentation regarding a setting for the control panel.

This is end-user, control panel manual and documentation in PDF format (~750KB).